
Jesse y Joy – Espacio Sideral

¡Otra miércoles, más música!

This week’s video is actually a long time coming.  I believe I meant to share it with you several weeks (maybe months) ago and… well… life gets crazy sometimes and we older folks forget what we were intending to do.

The cool part of this, though, is that mi esposa Josie and I were sitting at a restaurant yesterday and heard it playing.  I immediately recognized it as a Jesse and Joy tune, but couldn’t remember which it was.  Immediately browsing their YouTube channel on my cell phone, I located it and remember that I hadn’t yet shared it with you!  Well, the time has come.  Enjoy!

(Oh, and if you care to look up the lyrics and English translations, browse to

¡Hasta luego, amigas!


Jesse y Joy – Ecos de Amor

It has been a few semanas since I last treated you, mi amigas, to a Jesse y Joy video.  I remember catching this one, actually, the day it was released on YouTube and realizing that I liked it even more (musically, that is) than the original arrangement.  That was a hard opinion to come by, since “Ecos de Amor” was already one of my 3 favorite J&J canciones!

I’ll provide a link to that one below the video, in case you want to let me know whether you agree.  (Please don’t hesitate!  Lupita and I would more than welcome comments here apart from our own.)

One of the factors that appeals to me, of course, apart from the beautiful musical treatment, is the inclusion of lyrics (con letras) with this version.  Bonus for those of us attempting to learn the language!

Original “Ecos de Amor” video:
English version (“Echoes of Love”):

¡Bueno, hasta luego, amigas!




HA-ASH – Perdón, Perdón

¡Te pido perdón!  Usualmente, estas entradas son para miércoles, pero…

Hola, amigas.  I have another canción (song) for you this week, but I’m not getting it posted until Friday evening.  Go ahead — call me a slacker.  I deserve it!  Appropriately, the title of this song, “Perdón, Perdón”, actually begs for forgiveness, so I don’t have to!

This wonderful number by the lovely Pérez Mosa sisters, Hannah and Ashley (HA*ASH), was actually my first encounter with them.  It was suggested to me one evening, a long while back, while I was listening to Danna Paola on YouTube, and I thought, “Why not?”   Read More


Jenny and the Mexicats – Me Voy a Ir

Otra miércoles, otra canción, mis amigas:  “Me Voy a Ir”.

Once again, we’re featuring a tune from my new amigas, Jenny and the Mexicats.  This is another song for which I haven’t had the opportunity to locate the lyrics, much less find a translation.  I’ll do my best to find that soon and post an update, though.  (It’s part of the learning process!)

Hope you all enjoy “Me Voy a Ir”…

¡Hasta luego, amigas!

“Te veo” o “Te veré”… That is the question!

¡Necesito ayuda, Lupita!  I’m having grammar issues.  (Sí, otra vez.)

Back to my studies…

It occurred to me (actually, has occurred to me over and over) that I need to get back to my interactive audio lessons from Rocket Spanish.  As helpful (and enjoyable) as listening to Latina Pop is and soaking in the pronunciation of Spanish words set to song, I definitely do need the lessons to help me understand the rules and add to my vocabulary.

Speaking of rules…  I was listening to Lesson 5.2, a continuation of a role-playing between Amy and Mauricio started in 5.1, when I learned a new way of bidding someone farewell.  Most of us are familiar with phrases like hasta mañanahasta luego, and vaya con dios from watching movies and TV, perhaps listening to radio and recorded music.  Near the end, though, of Lesson 5.2, I was introduced to the phrase te veo mañana, which is translated by Rocket Spanish (Amy) as “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The word veo acts as both subject and verb, since it’s the 1st-person singular, present-tense, indicative-mood conjugation of the verb ver (to see), and since the yo (I) is left out in Spanish except to add emphasis.  The word te (familiar for “you”) is the direct object.  Please pardon all the Nerdspeak.  I was an anomaly in high school English.  Almost failed the literature semester for lack of interest (back then) in reading, but lead the class, and by a wide margin, in grammar.

But there’s where my confusion lies.  As I mentioned, veo is present-tense.  Yet, the message being conveyed is “I’ll see…”, a future tense expression.  The conjugation of ser into future tense is veré.  (Check me at SpanishDict, if you like.)  Therefore, shouldn’t “I’ll see you tomorrow” be “Te veré mañana“?

Much ado about nothing?

I sometimes wonder whether I’d learn this much faster, and be more inclined to move faster through my studies, if it were not for my propensity for stopping and investigating anomalies like this one.  I remember being somewhat puzzled by the prescribed lack of article adjectives, for example, in declaring one’s profession.  I.e., en Español, “I’m a writer” is expressed “Soy escritor”.

A word-for word translation of that into English would omit the “a” and be “I’m writer”.  While I was puzzled (and a little bugged) by that, I was able to chalk it up to… well, I don’t know what and move on.  I’m sure I’ll still move on from this veo vs. veré conundrum, as well, but it might just stick in my head a little longer, to be honest.  It’s challenging enough learning all of these verbs and their many conjugations without finding out that there seem to be cases in which they’re thrown to the wind!  But I’m going to do it.  I’m determined to.

Bueno, te veré luego.

Well, that’s about all I have for this time.  Naturally, there will be another vídeo de música come Wednesday morning.  I’m not sure whether it will be from Ha*Ash, Prince Royce, one of my other favourites, or someone completely new.  Haven’t thought that far ahead.

And, I’m hoping to finish out not only lección 5.3 before next post, but hopefully all of Module 5.  Ambitious for someone who’s been slacking off, I know!

¡Te veré luego, amigas!



Lu – La Vida Después De Ti

¡Otra miércoles, otra canción!  (I saved the comments for below the video this week, for those of you who want to plough right in and read — or not — about it later.)

On Amazon:
Full album:

Okay, for those of you who already do speak/understand at least some Spanish, perhaps I should have warned you:  tear-jerker!.  (For those who don’t, “La vida después de ti” translates to “Life after you”.  Yeah, it’s definitely a dry-your-eyes-afterwards kind of song.)

However, musically, the song is so beautiful that I had to share it anyway.  The lyrics are beautiful, too — just beautiful in a very sad way.  Also, it has been helping me learn some pronunciation, since I’m so addicted to it that I listen to it 3-4 times per day.

My first encounter with Sra. Cantú was several months ago, before I first shared her hit, “Suerte” with you.  Indeed, when I first stumbled across “La Vida…”, it was in searching for more Paty Cantú tunes.  It was quite by accident that I learned that she had first recorded this number with partner Mario Sandoval as a part of the duo Lu back in 2006.

Paty also performs the song live and solo and does a marvellous job.  Still, I always enjoy hearing heterogeneous voices blended to bring rich harmonies and pleasing textural combinations, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before.  If, however, you’d like to experience Paty’s concert performance, it can be found at

As always, I welcome your thoughts on this music, or comments on any other topic discussed here.  And I apologize for not posting more about my training experiences.  I have been in review mode for a while now and haven’t had that much exciting progress to share, I’m afraid.  (Trust me — I’m quite disappointed in me, too!)

¡Bueno, hasta luego, amigas!


Jesse y Joy – Si Te Vas

Hola, amigas.  (¡Y feliz cumpleaños a mi hermana, Lupita!)  🙂

Here’s another favorite of ours from another sister-and-brother team, Jesse y Joy — “Si Te Vas” (translated, “If you go”).  The song’s a bit sad, but the music is upbeat, and the video has some fun bits if you wait for them.  Even some of the lyrics might give you a little chuckle.  E.g.,

Si no estás mi alma extrañará
tu imperfecta personalidad.
… which is reminiscent of the irony in one of HA*ASH’s hits — one I haven’t shared with you yet, but will soon.  (Be sure to come back next week!)

We welcome your comments, of course.  Would you like more Jesse & Joy?  Prefer the “snappy” tunes?  The ballads?  Neither?  Both?

¡Hasta luego, amigas!


HA-ASH – Sé Te Que Vas

Buenos días, todas.  My video pick of the week — música para el miércoles — is a quintet featuring 2 of my favorite groups, HA-ASH and Matisse.  It was, in fact, in listening to HA-ASH perform that I encountered Matisse to begin with.  ¡Gracias, mis hermanas!  And so, without any further introduction, here are HA-ASH and Matisse performing Sé Que Te Vas”….

¡Hasta lluego, amigas!

If you liked this song and would like to download it to your device within seconds and continue enjoying it…