Más sobre Duolingo

This morning, I wanted to listen to one of my favorite episodes of The Tim Ferriss Show — the January 2016 interview with Luis von Ahn, the creator of Duolingo.  I have been using Duolingo recently to bolster my studies.  In fact, I’ve been using it a great deal more recently than my favorite resource, Rocket Languages, because I can easily practice/learn in short, 5-minute sessions throughout my workday.

Two colleagues of mine at work have recommended Duolingo to me now, and I have heard one of the two speak Spanish quite fluently, holding a conversation entirely in Spanish with a Latina custodian in our building without so much as a hesitation.  Duolingo was not his only resource.  His wife is Peruvian, and he travelled their many years ago on business and lived there for a while.  Still, he did recommend the app, and I’m inclined to take him seriously.

Yet another new resource

While browsing the show notes of the aforementioned episode, I also came across a site called News in Slow Spanish, which I believe I’ll subscribe to now, since it was recommended by Tim, who has mastered learning foreign languages quickly.  There’s an option, if I recall correctly, to subscribe to their feed and be notified as each episode is added.  If that’s the case, I’ll let you know in an update later, but I have to get going.  Just invited to a party, and I need to get ready.

¡Hasta luego, amigas!


  1. Luis von Ahn on Learning Languages, Building Companies, and Changing the World
  2. News in Slow Spanish